Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults
As part of the Church of England, we are committed to the care and nurture of everyone within our church community.
In the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults, we follow legislation, guidance and recognised good practice.
If you have any questions or concerns about safeguarding at St Bartholomew’s and St Mary’s, the first person to contact is our Parish Safeguarding Officer – Sarah Carless (contact details below).
Useful contacts about safeguarding children and vulnerable adults
We take any concerns or reports about safeguarding seriously, and work within the appropriate boundaries of confidentiality relating to privacy and information sharing.
Sarah Carless, Parish Safeguarding Officer – 07789 174099 Email
Revd Sarah Jayne Hewitt – 07456 549969
Safeguarding Advisors at the Diocese of Worcester – 01905 732800
Adults and Children’s Social Care, Worcestershire County Council – 0845 607 2000 (out of hours 01905 768 020)
West Mercia Police – 101
Voluntary or paid work and DBS checks
If you are interested in voluntary or paid work with us, you will need a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) background check.
The details you provide, including references and disclosure of any previous offences, will be kept in perpetuity.
All volunteers will have safeguarding training (paid by the church) every 3 years.
We recommend that you find out what is involved in a DBS check, before contacting us about possible work.
For more details about DBS checks, click on the following link to the central government website (link opens in a new window):
Support lines
Free, private and confidential service for children and young people
Phone 0800 1111
Family Lives
Parenting and family support (formerly Parentline Plus)
Phone 0808 800 222
More information
For more information about the Anglican Church’s safeguarding policies, click on the following links to the Diocese of Worcester website.
(Each link opens in a new window.)
- Safeguarding team –
- Safeguarding policies –
- Safeguarding resources –
- Safeguarding children –
- Safeguarding vulnerable adults –
- Safeguarding training –
A message from Bishop John on safeguarding
“The Diocese of Worcester is committed to safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults to worship and grow in Christ safely. I take that commitment very seriously and believe that making our churches safe for all is everyone’s responsibility. To enable that, our diocesan safeguarding team provides professional advice and training, as well as supporting those who may have suffered abuse. I commend to you the important policies and procedures detailed here. It is my prayer that they will help to ensure that all can flourish as God’s Kingdom People.”
Rt Revd Dr John Inge, Bishop of Worcester,