Supporting the work of our churches

Our churches and hall cost £51 a day to run, seven days a week. This is the general running cost to include heat, light, insurance and other general costs.
In addition, we are obliged to pay £25,000 to the Diocese of Worcester as our ministry share (to pay clergy salaries, pensions and the like). This is before we pay a penny in any of our other commitments:
- To equip ourselves for mission and to serve others
- To support our school (bibles for school leavers etc)
- To pay for an organist when required
- To clean our buildings
- To effect repairs to our buildings
- Photocopying and printing
- To maintain and repair any equipment
- To maintain our churchyard
- To support other Christian charities at home or abroad
To fund all of this we are currently paid on average £7 a week by our congregation members. We are fortunate to be able to rent School House and the Church Hall. However, in 2023 our expenses exceeded our income by £3,300. This could have been a bigger deficit, but we mitigated it by underpaying our Ministry Share by £8,000 and keeping the costs of churchyard maintenance down to £3,000 a year, the rest of the work being done by volunteers.
Can you help?
If you would like to then you can help in one of three ways:
- Be a regular giver by direct debit, or let us have a one-off donation. (link and QR code)
- Do you have a skill or talent that you are willing to donate? (woodworker, landscape gardener, etc)
- Volunteer to help at fundraising events such as TardeFest, our churchyard working party and the like.
If you do feel you are able to help, please let us know using the contact form. Your valuable help will make this a church that all can enjoy, whenever you need to.
Thank you
Revd SJ
2 Corinthians 9:7 New International Version (NIV)
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”