Holy Communion and Confirmation
To take communion in an Anglican church, you need to have been confirmed as a member of the Church of England.
But if you haven’t been confirmed, you are still welcome to come to any Holy Communion service.
What is Confirmation?
The Church of England describes confirmation as
“the point in the Christian journey at which you affirm for yourself the faith into which you have been baptised and your intention to live a life of committed discipleship.
This affirmation is confirmed through prayer and the laying on of hands by the confirming bishop.
The Church also asks God to give you power through the Holy Spirit to enable you to live in the way of Jesus.”
This affirmation – about living a life of committed discipleship – is made in a special confirmation service.
The confirmation service
In a confirmation service, you confirm as an adult the promises that were made in your baptism (which would have been by your parents or Godparents if you were a child).
These promises are:
- to commit yourself to the local and world-wide Christian family, and to the journey of faith in Jesus Christ
- to acknowledge that you need to turn away from selfishness and evil, and that you accept God’s offer of love and a new start in life.
The Church of England also makes a promise to you, that it will support you and pray for you as you begin your new life of faith.
Click on the following link for more information: https://www.churchofengland.org/our-faith/confirmation/what-happens-during-the-service.aspx (opens in a new window).
Holy Communion if you haven’t been confirmed
Even if you haven’t been confirmed, you’re welcome to come along to the communion service, just like any other church service.
When the communion bread and wine are being taken, the vicar will invite you (with other people who have or haven’t been confirmed) to come up to the altar rail at the front of the church.
You will be given a ‘blessing’, which is a prayer for you said by the vicar on behalf of the church.
For the blessing, instead of holding up your hands to receive the bread and wine, you can rest your hands on the altar rail (or hold your prayer book for example, or keep your hands by your side – whichever you feel most comfortable with).
If you prefer not to be given the blessing, you can just stay in your seat.
Find out more about being confirmed
If you are interested in learning more about the Christian faith and what it means to be confirmed, please contact Rev SJ or Rev Dean either:
- by email to contact@tardebiggechurch.org.uk
- using the contact form.
Click on the following links for more information on the Church of England website (each link opens in a new window: